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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 1(3); 2003 > Article
족문을 통한 일부 대학생의 발의 형태에 관한 연구
김은자, 김은희
A study on the foot from trough foot print university students in daejeon-chung buk
Eyn-Ja Kim, Eyn-Hee Kim
This research is for the purpose of understanding foot health and trying to help to keep the Foot health. I surveyed on 149 freshman who major in skin-beauty or physical training. Students Divided into exercise group and non exercise group according as they exercise or not. I used the footprint and survey for the purpose of knowing the body and foot health situation. I made a study so as to find out the relations between the subjective symptom of their health situation and the ache, the subjective symptom of the ache and footprint. The results of this research can be summarized as follows. First, I found that exercise group was healthier than non-exercise group by refer to the recognition about a condition of the body and the foot. Second, There are many sure footed students in the exercise group more than non-exercise group. Third, The pain in the digestive system • omalgia • lumbago and constipation are mutually related.
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