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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 5(2); 2007 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2007;5(2): 187-195.
피부미용분야 파동요법에 관한 연구
채순님, 김은영
A Study on the Wave Therapy in the Field of Aesthetic
Soon-Nim Chae, Eun-Young Kim
Resulting from the remarkable growth in economy and science technology, changes in living circumstances for people in the modern society are obvious. Their attitudes toward and values of life are different from the past. It has become the society where people lay emphasis on QOL(quality of life). Concreteness that implies the pursuit of both physical and psychological health demands nature- friendly methods an means. Therefore interest in healthy and beautiful skin becomes specified more and presents as desire for professional skin care. Unlike the past, skin care is gradually focusing on the health of the human body of which concept is more fundamental and comprehensive, beyond the beauty of skin. From this point of view, the alternative therapy, a health-improving method through treatment in behalf of what we call the whole man and the strengthening of the natural healing power, is applied to the field of skin care. In the other words, as an effective practice in helping to maintain the physiological functions and homeostasis of the human body, the alternative therapy is placed as a fundamental method to realize the ultimate goal of skin care. The alternative therapy emphasizing balance and harmony is suggested for the reason that it should be utilized in skin care in the point that it raises immunity through helping the human body to use its own natural healing power. In addition, from this viewpoint, the researcher wishes that the wave therapy which is introduced in this study will carry significance. Since it needs theoretical consideration from the perspective of professional and pure-scientific area, the researcher is careful about dealing with it, but with the same reason determining that it is the area where deeper interest and research are required, and in light of this, the researcher is presenting principles at the basic and theoretical level and introducing a field of skin care where the therapy is applied. It could be said to be the core of the wave therapy that has positive effects on the human body and skin by giving waves directly to skin through manipulation and machines used in the fields of massage, meridian massage, machinery management, and so on. In the main discourse in this study, the researcher takes a look at the concept, area, and the principle of curing of the wave therapy, and exactly what kind of skin care practices to which the wave therapy is applied we have. In the point that while the alternative therapy using waves is discussed largely in the world of medical science, generally it has not been a general topic yet in the field of skin care, the researcher expects that one can take the first step toward understanding the wave therapy and performing skin care practices using it by taking advantage of this study.
Key words: Wave Therapy, Alternative Therapy
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