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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(4); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(4): 803-808.
골근테라피(Skeletal Muscle Therapy)가 20-30대 남성 얼굴 크기 변화에 미치는 영향
권경자, 김수연, 안인숙
The Effect of Skeletal Muscle Therapy on Facial Size Changes for 20s and 30s Men
Kyung Ja Kwon, Soo-Yeon Kim, In-Sook An
This study was to observe and quantify the effect of facial size changes in 20s to 30s male through skeletal muscle therapies. The study targeted 20 to 30s male who resides in Seoul metropolitans, Republic of Korea, and agreed on the purpose and intent of this study. The research underwent at a 5-week time frame. The experimental target consists of a 10 males of Skeletal Muscle Therapy (SMT) group and another 10 males of Manual Technic (MC) group based on a 15-minute survey equally for these two groups. All measures were undertaken based on a pre-facial care measure, 1 facial care measure, 5-facial care measure and 10-facial care measures. Both groups had marked significant facial size changes. However, the facial care with SMT group had been proven that it was more effective and apparent relatively. Thus, further in-depth research which overwhelms age group, residence area, method of therapy or yo-yo effect should be required for the future work for the sake of better understanding on the SMT.
Key words: Skeletal muscle therapy, Facial size, Manual technique, Massage
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