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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 9(3); 2011 > Article
캡사이신이 함유된 조성물을 이용한 복부마사지가 성인 비만여성의 신체조성과 피부온도에 미치는 영향
성영환, 배현숙
Influence of Abdominal Meridian Massage with Combination including Capsaicin upon Body Composition and Temperature of Skin for Obese Women
Young-Whan Sung, Hyun-Sook Bae
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of abdominal meridian massage with combination including capsaicin upon body composition and temperature of skin for 24 obese women. Twelve women were assigned to experiment group, twelve women to control group. The subjects participated in abdominal meridian massage for 6 weeks. The experiment group was conducted to do abdominal meridian massage with combination including capsaicin while the control group was conducted to do it with massage cream for 2 times in a week. The results of this study were as follows : Experiment group showed bigger tendency of decrease than control group in change of weight, BMI, fat mass, fat ratio and waist circumference. The average body weight decreased significantly by 2.45kg(p<.001) from the pretest level of 64.02kg to 61.57kg and the upper-waist circumference decreased significantly by 3.25cm(p<.001). Experiment group showed significant difference than control group in change of temperature of abdominal skin by 9.39%(p<.001) from the pretest level of 30.33℃ to 33.18℃. In conclusion, the abdominal meridian massage with combination including capsaicin had a positive effect on obese women's body composition, waist circumference and the temperature of abdominal skin and it can be applied as a nursing intervention to decrease the abdominal obesity.
Key words: capsaicin, abdominal obesity, meridian massage, BMI, skin temperature
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