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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(1); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(1): 211-223.
인삼 추출물을 처방한 환원제 적용에 따른 모발 손상도 및 형태학적 변화
이하나, 함미영
Hair Damage Rates and Morphological Changes from Application of a Reducing Agent Prescribing Ginseng Extract
Ha-Na Lee, Mi-Young Ham
In this study, in order to find the impact of ginseng extracts on hair in permanent wave treatment and present basic material for more effective hair treatment, it is conducted the measurement and analysis on the thickness, tensile strength, elongation, water content, absorbance after dyeing by methyl eneblue, SEM(Scanning ElectronMicroscope) photographing and others to check the damage degree and physical modification of hair after permanent wave treatment made by adding thioglycolic acid and ginseng extract. The results showed that there were differences in the observations of hair thickness,hair tensile strength and the coefficient of expansion, the decreasing amount of hair moisture, absorbance, hair cuticle according to whether Ginseng Extract to a reducing agent was prescribed or not, and that there were significant differences in the degree that hair thickness gets thinner, hair tensile strength and the coefficient cuticle, absorbance of methylene blue according to the concentration differences of Ginseng Extract prescribed to a reducing agent. But the higher the concentration of Ginseng Extract got, the less the moisture amount decreasing partially in hair got. As the result of having observed hair cuticle through SEM, the differences of whether Ginseng Extract prescribed to a permanent wave lotion was prescribed or not were observed, but the differences by the concentration were not observed.
Key words: Ginseng extracts, Hair, Permanent wave, Thioglycolic acid, Damage
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