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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(1); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(1): 35-42.
2000년 이후 Make-up 트렌드에 나타난 1960년대와 1980년대 Retro 현상
Retro Phenomenon of 1960 and 1980’s in Make-up Trend Since 2000
Do-Youn Im
In order to understand the Retro phenomenon of 1960’s and 1980’s Make-up that emerged since 2000, the author have conducted this study to look into the overall social, cultural background and Make-up trend in 1960’s·1980’s and the similarity of 21st century’s Make-up. The 1960’s are an era in which, owing to social atmosphere trying to get off the war, the film industry was flourishing and mass media was developing, and thus the Make-up was also affected. Therefore, the feminine image became to want boyish image, and for the compensation like this trend, the eyes-emphasizing Make-up appeared. In the 1980s, the interest in health and leisure activities has increased because of the national economy was stable and capita income increased. So, Make-up was used as means to express their own health and their individuality. Like this, we could understand that the beauty culture had been developed and changed with the flow of fashion. Moreover, we could confirm that the fashion phenomenon shown in the Retro trend was not a unconditional imitation of old things but the human historic product that is being continuously developed by the social and cultural change with the present beautiful factors.
Key words: Retro, Make-up, Trend
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