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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 7(2); 2009 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(2): 107-122.
중년 여성의 체중 관리 실천 태도에 관한 연구
박혜란, 이성내, 홍양희
Study of the Practice of Weight Management Attitude by Middle-Aged Women
Hye-Ran Park, Sung-Nae Lee, Yang-Hee Hong
The purpose of this study was examine into the practice as to weight manegement of middle-aged women. Subjects were 268 women aged between 40-59 year in an gangnam-gu seoul community and were given self-report questionnaire. The reserch instruments utillized in this study such as exercise therapy, diet therapy and drug treatment. Data was using the SPSS 11.0 version program. In accordance with this, it derived results as follow: As to general characteristics and the exercise therapy of middle-aged women, about 59% of middle-aged women was carrying out the exercise therapy, and as to height, women with more than 150 cm and less than 160 cm were carrying out jogging, climbing and others, and women with more than 160 cm and less than 170 cm were carrying out swimming and fitness club, and as to a job, house wife were carrying out all events of exercise therapy, and as to education level, high-school graduates were carrying out aerobics, jogging, climbing and others, and university graduates were carrying out swimming and fitness club, and as to the monthly average income, women with about 3milion won were most carrying out all events of exercise therapy.
Key words: Middle-Aged Women, Weight Management, Exercise therapy, Diet therapy, Drug therapy
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