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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 3(1); 2005 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2005;3(1): 1-13.
복부비만개선을 위한 병행요법에 관한 임상연구
Research upon simultaneous cure for improvement of abdominal obesity
Jong-Im Kim
This research has implemented the test to suggest the most effective way to improve increased abdominal obesity-which is the most serious issue among obesity - having compared and analysed the results of both cases when we use only one physical․ chemical method and when we use two physical․chemical methods in terms of skin beauty area. Having found the research results of the test ignoring the life style of experiment subjects, the group which did the control by middle frequency machine and aroma meridian massage at the same time has been found the most effective results. However, we cannot say that every parallel control is effective, but we could say that parallel method with hands and machine has led the synergy effects. Thus, we could meet the limit when expect the abdominal obesity improvement with only the results of this research, since it depends on mental and physical condition of experiment subjects. In addition, for future research, it is required to consider a regular and continuous program under the circumstances controlled by food life and exercise of experiment subjects. We can expect the more accurate data if the experiment is effectively implemented with the subject group of subjects themselves and managers who have exuberant perception and sincerely hope this realistic research is continuously implemented.
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