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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 7(3); 2009 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(3): 95-109.
초현실주의에 의해 표현된 오브제적 특성을 가진 메이크업에 관한 연구 -여러 소재를 이용한 현대 메이크업 작품을 중심으로 -
전영현, 김주섭
A Study on Makeup of Surrealistic Objet d'art Expression : Focusing on Modern Art Make up
Young-Hyu Jun, ,ju-seub Kim
This study is to research on modern art makeup characterized by surrealistic objet d'art expression frequently used in beauty design with a view to helping develop makeup and informing an Art Nouveau, an overlap of beauty and art. For the purpose of the study, literature, books, journals, beauty magazines and other materials on the internet were referred to in order to interpret art makeup based on theoretical study on objets, surrealism and the objet elements in art makeup focusing on modern art makeup. Based on the results from the present study, as art nouveau continuously pursues changes and shapes a variety of ideas and techniques for expression and birth of objets, surrealistic liberal association could express objet techniques in makeup. Further, the shaping could be expressed thanks to diversified materials, leading to variegated makeup to an artistic extent. Conclusively, the results indicated that the objets of surrealism has a considerable influence on the development of makeup.
Key words: Surrealism, Object, Makeup, Art. modern
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