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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(6); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(6): 805-812.
20~30대 남성의 신체이미지와 외모관리행동이 심리적의욕에 미치는 영향
장혜선, 이정민
Body Image and Appearance Behaviors on Men Aged between 20 and 39 Influence on their Performance on their tasks
Hye-Sun Jang, Jeong-Min Lee
Recently, external and internal health, and beauty are pursued. And we frequently hear ‘lookism’, ‘external image communication era’. Thus, interest in physical appearance is on the rise. In the past, mostly, certain figures such as businessmen, politician, and entertainer managed image and physical appearance but now general people also are striving to get a good image for favorable first impression and formation of good interpersonal relationship. And as an image became a success element in a product, brand, or corporate, external image is a competitiveness. Variable studies about physical appearance management and related psychology are conducted but the studies focus on partial behavior and the study subjects are mostly adolescents and women. Nowadays it became general not only women but also men have beauty management such as make-up, skin care etc. But study with male is deficient. Accordingly, the study intended to investigate physical appearance management behavior of men with men in their 20-30ties who are thought to be in highest level in physical appearance management. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 which is covariance structure modeling. When their ideal style, they are more likely to be motivated and participating actively to complete tasks. Furthermore, mem who have well appearance management through their hairstyles are more likely to motivated and to be active. Accordingly, the study aimed to provide basic materials for development of beauty industry and marketing development related to beauty.
Key words: Body image, Physical appearance management, Psychological desire, Beauty, Appearance management of men
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