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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(6); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(6): 789-796.
일반적 특성에 따른 웨딩 헤어이미지 선호도
안정희, 박은준
Wedding Pictures Preferences in Accordance with the General Characteristics
Jung-Hee An, En-Jun Park
The desire for the beauty of the bride wedding makeup, hair, is represented by the director of dress, move, decorate the background effects of consciousness that gives the symbolic meaning of marriage and have entered the 21st century wedding coordination with the development of mass media and industry the pattern was also repeated rapid change. Hair also became important as a large variety of elements that become expressions of beauty. As such, following the wedding hairstyle high level of skill is required, since it plays an important image factor at a wedding raises the need for research. The purpose of this study is that to provide information and scientific data necessary for identifying production for the next wedding hair market developments and hair designer for each of the preferences of rehearsals and bonsik Learn about wedding hairstyle you prefer and general characteristics of the bride there is a purpose. Analyzed through a questionnaire District Court aimed at brides living in Seoul, according to the bride’s characteristics was found that the preferred wedding hair is a difference in the image on the rehearsal and bonsik, low age, Higher Education personality and prefer the urban image, the average monthly income was found that preferred images with higher personality. To increase the satisfaction of the most important factors of hair styles the bride feel that is the image of others, I will be shown to other users as to produce a desired image. To do so is considered necessary for this kind of creativity and technology to produce images of a hair stylist. On the other hand, because the wedding rehearsal and your hair is slightly different images depending on bonsik hair designer should be directing a different image depending on the situation. Prices in the consultation process and the design of the bride, rehearsal and a favorite image of bonsik will be able to present separately.
Key words: General Characteristics, Wedding, Image, Preference
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