Anti-oxidant and Whitening Effect of Low Molecular Weight Kaki-tannin with Gamma irradiation
Kyeong Seok So, Jin Hyun Kim, Yeo Jin Lim, Ju Tae Jeong, Jae Yong Seo, Young Kwon Cha, Hyun Dae Cho, Hang eui Cho, Seunghee Bae
Asian J Beauty Cosmetol. 2023;21(1):131-140.   Published online 2023 Mar 29     DOI:
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Melanin Synthesis Gene Inhibition Effect through Inhibition of Tyrosinase and TRPs Expression of Coriandrum sativum-derived Exosome
Ha young Park, Seon Young Lee, Min Ho Kang, Jung Eun Park, Jin Woo Kim
Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology.2024; 22(3): 393.     CrossRef