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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(3); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(3): 549-558.
계면활성제형 세안제와 용제형 세안제 사용에 따른 피부 상태의 변화
김인옥, 배현숙
Change of Skin Condition by Using Surfactant Based Cleansing and Solvent Based Cleansing Formula
In-Ok Kim, Hyun-Sook Bae
This study carried out 6 week’s research targeting 36 women in their age of 35~55 by grouping them into surfactant and solvent based cleansing group in order to suggest basic data for importance of cleansing. Difference between 2 groups shows that moisture content for front cheek is proved to indicate higher level in solvent based cleansing group from 3th week after application than surfactant based cleansing group (p<.01). Sebum level of U zone showed higher at solvent based cleansing group in 6 week after application than surfactant based cleansing group (p<.05). Sebum level of T zone showed higher at solvent based cleansing group in 6 week after application than surfactant based cleansing group (p<.01). Roughness showed lower level at solvent based cleansing group in 6 week after application than surfactant based cleansing group (p<.001). Wrinkle showed lowered level at solvent based cleansing group in 6 week after application than surfactant based cleansing group. Pigmentation showed lower level at solvent based cleansing group in 6 week after application than surfactant based cleansing group (p<.001). Sebum level of T zone was reduced in 6 weeks after application surfactant based cleansing group (p<.05). Moisture content on front cheek was increased at solvent based cleansing group (p<.05) and roughness was reduced (p<.05) and wrinkle and pigmentation was also reduced (p<.01). By generalizing all mentioned above, use of solvent based cleansing is believed to result in less skin troubles and the longer solvent based cleansing is used , the longer the effectiveness lasts.
Key words: Surfactant, Solvent, Cleansing, Moisture, Sebum
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