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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 1(3); 2003 > Article
발반사요법이 주부들의 신체적 안위감에 미치는 효과
A Study on the effect of Foot Reflexology therapy to the physical, psychological, emotional comforts of wives
Kyoung-Hee Kwak
This study is a simulation research to examine the effects of Foot Reflexology therapy to the physical, psychological, emotional comforts of wives who are keeping houses. The tool measuring comforts of wives was designed on the basis of fatigue scale developed by Kyoung ja Kim. This study was conducted with 103 housekeepers who were suitable to the study object and were taking a foot care training at the life-long education institution in Daejeon and other cities from March 4, 2001 to October 25, 2001. The measurement of those Inventories are made in post-treatment situations processed by the Experimental group. The reflex treatment was performed to that wives by their husband. In order to analyze the data statistically, the simple frequency analysis, reliance degree examination, one-way Anova using the SPSS for windows version 10.0 program was performed. The results of the research are as follows: The physical, psycological, and nerval symptoms on the physical comforts are more improved after the reflex treatment was performed to the feet of the sample wives for an experimental group(the occasion of saying yes to the total symptoms: .69) Particularly, the physical symptoms was much more improved than the others.(.71) To be concrete on the physical symptoms, the respondents saying that they felt their feet easier are occupied at the rate of .82.5 and the respondents saying that they felt their body easier are occupied at the rate of .76.7. On the psychological symptoms, the respondents saying that their feeling unwell was more improved than pre-test are occupied at the rate of .86.4 and the respondents saying that their indolence was more improved than pre-test are occupied at the rate of .76.7. On the nerval symptoms, the respondents saying that their having a headache got better than pre-test are occupied at the rate of .78.6 and the respondents saying that unpleasantness was more improved than pre-test are occupied at the rate of .76.7.
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