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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 1(3); 2003 > Article
Rosemary 에센셜 오일이 學生 學業成績에 미치는 影響
A Study that Rosemary Essential 0il Affects the Schoolwork of the Juveniles
Mi-Jin Moon
This study is a method of the direction for inspiring the juveniles with the schoolwork. The object of this study is to research the effect on the improvement of schoolwork, using an Aromatherapy program about the Rosemary essential oil. This research design was to analyze the experimental research using SAS T-test and significance probability p-value, Null hypothesis method. Also it was to investigate thoroughly the degree of knowledge and the amount of recognition about Aroma essential oil that the juveniles have perceived. The grand mean score of Korean language was 45.6 in the experimental group and 45.4 in the control group, and the mean differences between the groups were 0.2. The grand mean score of Mathematics was 54.9 in the experimental group and 50.1 in the control group, and the mean differences between the groups were 4.8. The significance probability had 0.043 less than 0.05 in the significance level from the result of t-test. Accordingly, the mean differences between the two groups were significant with the inhalation of aroma statistically. The grand mean score of Japanese language was 57 in the experimental group and 56.1 in the control group, and the mean differences between the groups were 0.9. This study was examined and investigated as an object of the students who were defined from the defined schools. Accordingly, it had a limit in the side of nationwide and to interpret the result of experimental group generally. Also, this study analyzed one time test result without the procedure of verification in order to use the momentary memory and concentration after inhaling the Rosemary essential oil aroma. However as a result of research above, it came to a conclusion that the aroma will be very helpful to the mental stability and the improvement of schoolwork for the juveniles, if the aroma of Rosemary essential aroma will be researched deeply and systematically.
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