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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(2); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(2): 435-443.
광주광역시 소재 네일미용 종사자의 재교육 여부에 따른 직무만족도 분석
심기준, 조고미, 김수연
Analysis of the Job Satisfaction of Nail Beauty Specialists After Reeducation in Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea
Ki-Jun Shim, Koh-Mi Cho, Soo-Yeon Kim
In this study, surveyed and analyzed what effect the job training and self-development training for nail beauty professional will have on job specialization and job satisfaction through theoretical considerations about training status, retraining, job specialization and job satisfaction in Republic of Korea. Demographic characteristics of the subjects were 97.3% women, 88.4% aged 20-30s, 74% single, 94.4% graduate high school-University, 74% a total of 1-3 years experience, 90.5% determined in 1-3 years, 93.1% 1,000,000 to less 3,000,000 won monthly income. The workplace training ‘if carried out,’ ‘satisfaction’, ‘interest’, ‘growth, development opportunities, ‘various education and training’, ‘systematic retraining’ items, such as the average from 3.20 (maximum 5) a lot of positive responses in workplace training conduct showed a significantly higher satisfaction. Self-development education ‘necessity’, ‘desire’, ‘participation’, ‘aggressiveness’, ‘if invited’ items, such as 3.43 on the average (maximum 5), with a high majority of respondents have recognized the need for self-development training were reported to have participated or conducted. Looking at professional duties ‘service availability’, ‘confidence’, ‘Recognition of the level’ items, such as 3.48 on the average (maximum 5) as the majority of respondents showed a high expertise in the job. Job satisfaction ‘satisfaction with colleagues, relationships’, ‘satisfaction with treatment’, ‘job satisfaction, self-esteem and growth’ mean at 3.49 (maximum 5) as a lot of positive responses were reported to have also high job satisfaction. In summary, the systematic and specialized services through re-training on the special knowledge and accumulated experience in the confidence and job skills with professional development to improve the treatment, good relationships with coworkers, and job satisfaction also increases the growth. To recap the findings of the survey, professional development of workers through retraining affects the job satisfaction and practice and understanding for retraining, is not recommended for individuals. It will be the foundation for the development in organization because the organization’s growth and development depend on retraining.
Key words: Nail, Nail beauty specialist, Reeducation, Job satisfaction
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