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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(1); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(1): 79-90.
미용서비스산업 종사자들의 직무만족이 고객의 서비스품질 지각에 미치는 영향
이영주, 이재철, 임재국
The Effects of Beauty Service Industry Employees’ Job Satisfaction on Perception of Service Quality by Customers
Young-Joo Lee, Jae-Chyul Lee, Jae-Kook Lim
This study was conducted with dyadic data to see the effects of beauty service industry employees’ job satisfaction and service commitment on service quality perceived by customers. A survey was conducted to see the effects of employees’ job satisfaction factors, such as colleague relationships, professional awareness, and growth potential, on job satisfaction and of job satisfaction on their service commitment and those of their service commitment on service quality perceived by customers. It was found that all of the three factors of job satisfaction―colleague relationships, professional awareness, and growth potential―had positive effects on job satisfaction and that there was positive correlation between job satisfaction and service commitment. In addition, employees’ service commitment was found to have positive effects on all of the five factors of service quality perceived by customers (reliability, empathy, tangibility, responsiveness, and assurance). These results indicate that employees’ job satisfaction can be an important element for improving the quality of service. In conclusion, it was confirmed that colleague relationships, professional awareness, and growth potential were important factors of job satisfaction for employees and that job satisfaction could improve service commitment, allowing customers to have positive perception of service quality.
Key words: Job satisfaction, Service commitment, Service quality
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