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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 1(3); 2003 > Article
하지 정맥류(varicos vein)치료에 있어서 피부미용적 접근방법에 관한 이론적 고찰
A Theoretical Study on Approach on Skin & Beauty in the Treatment of Lower Extremities Varix
Sun-Young Song
Lower extremities varix is a chronic disease with the development of civilization. There are various patients from an asymptomatic case to an abasia case. It is a disease with very high prevalence rate. Patients with the lower extremities varix want to decrease a fear of relapse in operation, shorten the period of hospitalization, and have excellent beauty effect. Also, the operating surgeons want to decrease relapse, have excellent beauty effect, and have more facile operating method. By the demand of the patients with varix it introduces methods of operation simply without the period of hospitalization. But there are a lot of cases a great deal worse because the patients still abandon and neglect it as a result of psychological burden about the operation, concern about a relapse after the operation, and high expenses. In this study, for solving the problems like the burden of operation for the patients with the lower extremities varix, concern about recurrence, and the high expenses. It is to investigate theoretically as it needs approach on the skin beauty, not a medical therapy. Aromatherapy maintains blood tensity and makes the blood strong. And it helps return of veins by the contracture of muscle and it has good effect on the improvement of the lower extremities varix. Lymphatic Drainage helps the elimination of lymph by a massage of the varix parts and stimulates blood circulation. Accordingly it shows good effect on the improvement of the lower extremities varix. As a result above, in the treatment of the lower extremities varix, it is considered as Aromatherapy and Lymphatic Drainage are good therapy for improving the varnix. It needs various researches on the effect and development through the actual clinical application.
Key words: Varicos vein, Aromatherapy, Lymphatic drainage
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