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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 5(2); 2007 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2007;5(2): 229-238.
딸라소테라피(Thalassotherapy)의 이론적 고찰
A Theoretical Study on Thalassotherapy
Young-Eun Park
Used since ancient times, Thalassotherapy has been extensively applied disease treatment and rest, health improvement and mental and psychological stability, human physiological vitality improvement, skin beauty effect with recent hydro-therapy, water. The water therapy of Thalassotherapy has a specific action like biological effect by content component. Also it is much prescribed for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and neurosis and so on. The mineral therapy of Thalassotherapy has been prescribed as recovery therapy for many customers visiting the center due to health problems such as a dropsical swelling or inflammation for several centuries. It is known as an effective therapy working for skin disorder, neuralgia, osteomyelitis, rheumatism instead of an antibiotic agent. Europeans have pursued wellbeing for physical and mental health and affluent life in nature through termalism and Thalassotherapy after the Middle Ages, and used the term of health and happiness as the most important motto of Thalassotherapy. The know-how of recent western France, Thalassotherapy has exerted steady effort for developing programs of obesity or diet in congruence with customers' demand. Targeted for many customers coming for obesity or diet, the center carries out regular cooking lectures on change of eating life and diet from nutritionists, and has produced a wonderful effect with medical team's special consideration and therapy. The Thalassotherapy of many coasts like the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, and the Strait of Dover has many places specialized in treatment session called obesity, with a lot of prescriptions and clinic data. The trust from customers provides the reason of popularity from the aged class as well as youth and manhood. Thalassotherapy center provides diverse scientific treatment and prescription for the customers visiting it for obesity and diet. A variety of special treatment type sessions are utilized for prescriptions. Now introduced is the example of each session combination in 'fitness' treatment program prescribed by Thalassotherapy medical team, and Algotherapy effective for figure management for the obese women of high-salt dietary life. Through the steady research, program development of Thalassotherapy with long tradition and technical know-how, the export international agreement organization( Mer et sante; sea and health union) and Qualicert (quality guidelines) and so on, French Thalassotherapy has created another tradition. Hereby presented is an effective management applying Thalassotherapy having a close correlation with human bodily physiological action as a therapy field to look into our aesthetic salon's future and gain customers' satisfaction and trust.
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