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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 1(3); 2003 > Article
화장품에서 키토산 성분의 기능성에 관한 연구
Study on Multi-Functional Chitosan in Cosmetics
Yeon-Hee Lee
Chitine and chitosan are manufactured commercially in large scale from crab and shrimp, and are being used in many commercial application because of their various functional properties. In cosmetics, chitine has many applications: It is a film-former, it has moisture-retention abilities, it is an anti-static and it functions as a skin protectant, catinonic nature of chitosan may also be the reason for its ability to inhibit bacterial growth-the positive charge may cause a disruption in the binding capabilities of the bacterial membrane. In hair-care application, chitosan is an excellent film-former, and has found use in many different type of cosmetic formulations. Chitosan will leave a homogenous, flexible film on hair, without making the hair stick together. Additionally the film is the not sensitive to humidity. It also provides protection against split ends. Key word: chitosan, cosmetics, cathionic polymer
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