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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(4); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(4): 809-815.
경락마사지를 토대로 보완한 근혈(根穴)테라피 효과
Effects of Geunhyeol Therapy Based on Meridian Massage
Kyung-Hi Lee
In-body was used to determine the effects of hand massage therapy on subjects. In the study, In-body was used to find the positive effects on changes in body composition, body fat and body water. Total numbers of 8 people were received the Geunhyeol therapy. Changes in intracellular fluid 0.018 (p<.05) and minerals 0.028 (p<.05) were almost significant level. Research time was not long enough to see refilling amount of muscle and body water while breaking down fat. As a result, there were no differences in protein, extracellular fluid and body water levels. Significant level was founded in body fat 0.012 (p<.05) and edema 0.027 (p<.05). Especially, the symptom of edema could be solved by Geunhyeol therapy. The benefits of the study were to demonstrate releasing knotted muscles and uric acid caused by stress and to push toxic out of body. Through stimulating muscles and blood vessel, Geunhyeol therapy helped psychological relaxation, and also helped to control subjects’main symptoms such as stomachache, constipation and diarrhea. Subjects could easily get psychological and physical advantages with very simple and effortless ways. Different from other treatments, Geunhyeol therapy could offer very effective treatment with reasonable price. In conclusion, the limitation on the study was that the research lasted only short period of time to see a result of long term effects of the therapy. Moreover, there was difficulty in generalization because of small numbers of subject. Constantly, many case studies are needed. However, if a subject regularly receives Geunhyeol therapy, he/she can get good effects. It will be meaningful to continue the follow- up study.
Key words: Meridian Massage, Geunhyeol Therapy
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