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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 9(3); 2011 > Article
Detox 비누의 피부효능임상연구
김기연, 김애경, 김석호, 김은자, 진정화
Clinial Trial of the Detox Soap on the Skin Effect
Gi-Yeon Kim, Ae-Gyung Kim, Suk-Ho Kim, Eun-Ja Kim, Chung -Hwa Chin
The fermented products participate in digestion and metabolism through the absorption from skin and oral consumption. The detox solid soaps through fermentation can be produced with less preservatives and oxidants because the storage is easy. This study examined the effect on the body of the skin absorption in the use of the detox soap with the beneficial organisms that was produced by inducing the growth of the beneficial organisms in the culture for 3 years to 1 month depending on the material of the Chinese herbs into solid soaps and studied the contents of the skin beautifying and health effects in the body. In the case of the facial use, the general management and focused management groups were separated for 6 weeks to examine the elasticity, moisture, curvature, flakes, pores, and spots of the skin and both groups showed statistically significant results to help the improvement of the skin condition. In the changes of the weight, BMI, body fat, abdominal fat rates through the overall body management, the general management showed no statistically significant result but the focused management showed significant results in body fat and abdominal fat, which showed that the focused overall body management using the detox soap is effective. As the use of the soap connected to the fermented science is generalized, we hope the soap as the product of advanced fermentation technology of Korea expands to the world.
Key words: Detox, Soap, Fermentation, Enzyme, Skin
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