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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 9(3); 2011 > Article
미용서비스업의 내부마케팅 요인이 접점직원의 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 미치는 영향
박선주, 박상기
Influence of Internal Marketing Factors in Beauty Service Industry upon Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Frontline Employees
Sun-Ju Park, Sang-Gi Park
The purpose of this study is to grasp correlation between internal marketing and job satisfaction & organizational commitment through empirical research, and is to suggest marketing direction of beauty service. From this perspective, this study examined which influence the internal marketing of beauty service industry has upon frontline employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results of this study are as follows. First, according to the influence of educational training, compensation system, and internal communication, which are internal marketing factors of beauty service industry, upon job satisfaction, the educational training(B=.143, p<.001), compensation system(B=.286, p<.001), and internal communication( B=.338, p<.001) were indicated to have significant influence upon job satisfaction in frontline employees of beauty service industry. Second, according to the influence of job satisfaction in frontline employees of beauty service industry upon organizational commitment, the job satisfaction was indicated to have influence upon organizational commitment(B=.764, p<.001). Based on the above results, the offer of the frontline employees' educational training, compensation system, and internal communication needs to be necessarily said to be important element in order to be led possibly to service quality toward customers through job satisfaction and further organizational commitment in frontline employees of beauty service industry. Also, when aiming to positively change behavior of frontline employees for beauty service industry, the results of this study are considered to be possibly used helpfully. Frontline employees' organizational commitment will come to have great influence upon long-term corporate performance.
Key words: Internal marketing, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment
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