복부경락마사지가 여대생의 변비와 복부비만에 미치는 효과 |
정미영, 오정숙 |
The Effects of the Abdominal Meridian Massage on Constipation and Abdominal Obesity in Female College Students |
Mi-Young Chung, Jung-Sook Oh |
In this study, we carried out an experimentation with fourteen female college students for four
weeks. Twenty times of experiment were made from April 1th to 30th 2011 excepting weekends.
The results were as follows;
1. Constipation Severity Instrument after abdominal meridian massage was reduced, which was
statistically significant(p<0.0001).
2. Body fat after abdominal meridian massage was reduced, which was statistically significant
(p<0.05). Body Mass Index(BMI), abdominal fat rate, weight were decreased, which was not statistically
significant (p>0.05).
3. Abdominal circumference of the navel and abdominal circumference of 5cm upper the navel after
abdominal meridian massage was reduced, which was statistically significant (p<0.05). Abdominal
circumference of 5cm lower the navel after abdominal meridian massage was reduced, which was
not statistically significant (p>0.05).
Based on these results, abdominal meridian massage decreased CSI score, body fat and abdominal
circumference. |
Key words:
Meridian massage, Constipation, Abdominal aobesity, Body fat, Abdominal circumference |