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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 3(1); 2005 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2005;3(1): 177-188.
여대생들의 피부관리 행태 및 의식
배 향 선
College And University Girl Students' Awareness and Behavior of Skin Care
Hyang-Sun Bae
This study was conducted to analyze colleges and university girl students' awareness and behavior of skin care in order to provide right knowledge of skin care and basic data for institutionalizing national certification. The subjects of the study was 400 womens who were students at colleges and universities in Busan, Daegu City and Kyungbuk Province. Data were collected from march 21, 2005 to April 1, 2005. The results of this study can be summarized as following. According to the respondents' socio-demographic characteristics, 35.1% of them was 21 years old and 32.5% was 20 years old. 52.3% lived in big cities, 37.1% lived in small and medium cities and 10.6% lived in town ․myŏns. Criteria of selection of cosmetics, 33.2% chose it with consideration of their skin character was highest. 31.4% of the proportion of selecting it by recommendation of family or friends and 13.1% of the respondents chose it without any criteria. According to the sources of getting informations on skin care, the proportion of mass media was highest(32.2%). 18.3% of them obtained them through magazines and 16.5% got them through family or friends. 50.5% of the respondents replied that there was very close relationship between skin care and overall health by physical and skin health condition. 76.3% of them responded that skin care job would have a good prospect in the future. 48.5% of the respondents replied that specialization of skin care through institutionalizing national certification would be important in order to develop the field of skin care. In conclusion, the publicity and education program on right knowledge of skin care and the influence of skin care on physical health need to be developed to contribute to health maintenance and promotion through healthy skin care. The government and related organizations must make efforts to enhance people's internal and external beauty and quality of life through institutionalizing national certification in the field of skin care.
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