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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(1); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(1): 155-165.
하지 비대의 평가와 관리에 대한 이론적 연구
노효련, 김성중
A Study on the Evaluation and Management of the Lower Extremity Enlargement
Hyo-Lyun Ro, Sung-Joong Kim
The causes of lower extremity enlargement are diverse often times involve combinations of several etiologies. Obesity, lymphedema, lipedema, and venous edema are well-known consequences of the fat leg. The evaluation and management of the fat leg have been neglected in the cosmetic field. Many clients visits the esthetic shop with complaints of lower extremity enlargement secondary to "fat legs." In addition to cosmetic disfigurement, some clients may suffer from underlying cosmetic conditions that are responsible for their symptoms. Knowledge of these other causes, including lymphedema and a disorder of abnormal fat deposition known as lipedema, ensures appropriate management for affected clients. Initial evaluation for lower extremity enlargement should include a discussion of pertinent history and a focused physical examination for findings that might indicate a underlying cause. For those clients found to have lymphatic dysfunction, complex decongestive therapy, which are consists of manual lymph drainage (MLD), compression bandage or garments, skin care, and exercise, should be initially recommended. Treatments of lipedema that have purportedly have some success include physical massage, electrical modality to increase blood circulation; MLD and wrapping; other creams that alter the skin's appearance. In case of lower leg enlargement due to venous insufficiency, treatmentis directed towards reducing the limb girth and especially skincare. Clients with lower extremity enlargement may present to the esthetician for reducing the size and enhancing the skin conditions. Esthetician needs to distinguish the causes and management methods by using the common features and unique manifestations of the conditions.
Key words: Lymphedema, Obesity, Lower extremity enlargement, Venous edema, MLD
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