Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(1): 201-210. |
고량색소를 첨가한 1제형 산성염모제 제조에 의한 염색력 연구 |
김주섭, 최태부 |
Study on dyeing power pursuant to production of the first formulated type of acidic hair dye to utilize a kaoliang pigment
Ju-Sub Kim, Tae-Boo Choe |
In manufacture of the first formulated type of acidic hair dye among various hair dyes. this study is aimed not only at grasping dying power of the first formulated type of acidic hair dye and PH necessary for surely in case of manufacturing of hair dye by dyeing sample with the first formulated type of acidic hair dye thath as been produced by adding ingredient content that can improve dyeing power of the first formulated type of acidic hair dye after adding a kaoliang pigment as a ingredient of natural pigment, In research methods, we have searched for brightness index L* as a color tone value and chromaticity index, a*- b* value and dye uptake(K/S) after we produced a hair dye and dried naturally for 20 minutes, again 40 minutes, and treat by heating for 10 minutes and treated to leave a hair dye as it is naturally. Result that we have analyzed in comparison with L*, a*, b* value of kaoliang pigment as a natural pigment (colorant) and K/S value is satisfactory as an ingredient of the first formulated type of hair dye, because dyeing power is not only more excellent than untreated hair, but also dyeing power is much more excellent in case of heat treatment than incase of treatment to leave a hair dye as it is naturally when a person dyes his hair. We could have grasped that (it is) not that dyeing power heighten more because of addition of more pigment dissolvent (dissolving agent), (it is) but that dyeing power heighten when pigment dissolvent is mixed up with pigment content at a proper rate.
Key words:
Kaoliang, Nature, Acid color, Color fastness, Pigment