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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 3(1); 2005 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2005;3(1): 157-161.
Carboxytherapy를 위한 cosmetics의 응용
이호, 김철, 샤샤김, 고혜정
An application of cosmetics for carboxytherapy
Ho Lee, Chul Kim, Sha-Sha Kim, Hyea-Jung Koh
Topical application of carbon dioxide as a type of cosmetics; mask to human arms represented to increase skin tightness and to improve pigmentation ,roughness by a methods of subjective and objective photograpic assessment. Carboxytherapy was known to improve peripheral vascular disorder and even cellulite recently. The finding give the possibility for the use of Carboxytherapy as a cosmetics to improve hyper-pigmentation and anti-aging.
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