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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(1); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(1): 71-76.
IFN-gamma 생성에 미치는 라벤더 오일의 효과
이현화, 송선영
Effects of Lavender (Lavandular officinalis ) Essential Oil on the Production of IFN-gamma
Hyun-Hwa Lee, Seon-Young Song
Lavander officinalis has been commonly used to produce lavender essential oil. Although the essential oil has been variously used for treating burns and soothing skin irritations and inflammation, the molecular details for the oil has not been largely unknown. Here, we demonstrated that the essential oil of Lavander officinalis decreased UVB-induced inflammation by reducing interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production. The purpose of this study was to investigate anti-flammation effect of lavender oil in UVB-irradiated C57BL/6 mouse and CCD- 986sk cells. Lavender oil at concentration 0.01~1% was affect to the production of IFN-gamma in the CCD- 986sk cell. When UVB-irradiated CCD-986sk cells was treated lavender oil, the production of IFN-gamma was gradually reduced in a time-dependent manner. Also UVB-irradiated mice skins with lavender oil were reduced the production of IFN-gamma more than group of UVB-irradiated mice skins. The UVB-irradiated mice group were treated of every other day with lavender oil were lower the production of IFN-gamma than other groups. These results suggest that lavender oil reduce flammation in UVB-irradiated mouse skins and cells. Lavender oil might be used as a potential resource for therapy of UVB-irradiated skin damage.
Key words: Ultraviolet B (UVB), Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), Lavender oil
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