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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 3(1); 2005 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2005;3(1): 139-145.
파이토스핑고신 수용액이 피부 미생물에 미치는 임상적 연구
김현화, 유용호, 임미혜, 최태부
A Clinical Study for the Effect of Phytosphingosine Solution on the Skin Microbes
Hyun-Hwa Kim, Yong-Ho Yu, Mi-Hyea Leem, Tea-Boo Choe
This study is to analyze the effect of phytosphingosine, known as one of the natural anti-bacterial ingredients existed in the horny layer under human skin, in relation with treatment of pimples through clinical experiment of phytosphingosine solution. To collect data, we performed an experiment focused on total 11 students of Nam-Incheon High School for four weeks from the 21st of October to the 17th of November, 2004. To the left side of a face, as control group, simple water solution without phytosphingosine was applied, while phytosphingosine solution to the right side as an experimental group. Having the students to use the two kinds of solution twice a day for both left and right sides, respectively, we calculated the amount of oil, microbic change, number and degree of pimples before and after the use of phytosphingosine solution. As a result, experimental group using phytosphingosine soultion decreased in the amount of oil by 68.01%, compared to control group, with microbic change by 85.36%. From the findings of this study using phytosphingosine solution for the skin with pimples, we concluded that outstanding effect of phytosphingosine solution on inflammatory pimples along with strong anti-bacterial action in the area of microbic change suggested its value as anti-bacterial ingredient and alternative substance to treat pimples.
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