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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(1); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(1): 133-140.
난백과 식초의 복합식이가 손등 피부에 미치는 효과
신은정, 강상모
The Effect of Complex Diet of Egg White and Vinegar on Improvement of Skin on the Back of Hands
Eun-Jung Shin, Sang-Mo Kang
This article explored the effect on improvement of skin on the back of hands, focused on women in their 40s, 50s and 60s who begin to suffer from aging, and conducted a 12-weeks dietary experiment to 10 persons in each group, by categorizing into complex diet group of egg white+vinegar (EW+V), single diet group of egg white (EW), single diet group of vinegar (V) and control group (Cont). The results were as follows; Oil on the back of her hands of EW+V group increased 1.75 times that of EW or V group, respectively. Melanin on the back of her hands of EW+V group decreased 0.49 times that of EW or V group, respectively. Erythema on the back of her hands of EW+V group decreased 0.36 times that of EW or V group, respectively. Callus on the back of her hands of EW+V group decreased 1.49 times that of EW or V group, respectively. Furthermore, as for skin color on the back of hands, EW+V group took a turn for the better than other groups. As for wrinkle on the back of hands, EW group and EW+V group took a turn for the better, but, EW+V group was smoother than other groups. As confirmed by the above results, complex diet of egg white+vinegar had a greater effect on improvement of skin on the back of hands of the women in their 40s, 50s and 60s, comparing with single diet of egg white or vinegar.
Key words: Egg white, Vinegar, Back of the hand skin
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