Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(3): 535-545. |
대구·포항지역 성인여성들의 비만과 체형에 식품기호도가 미치는 효과 |
박재영, 이명선 |
Effects of Food Preference on Obesity and Somatotype in Female Adults in the Regions of Daegu and Pohang
Jae Young Park, Myung Sun Lee |
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the food preference of female adults to their obesity and somatotype. The findings of the study were as follows: As for somatotype, sanguine morphology was most common (38.4%), followed by bilious morphology (25.2%), lymphatic morphology (19.6%) and nervous morphology (16.9%). Sanguine morphology was most prevalent among the women who had a bigger liking for cereals and who had a moderate level of preference for meat, fish, bread, rice cake, vegetables and fruit. Bilious morphology was more common in those who had a lower level of preference for these foods. The women who dwelled in the regions of Daegu and Pohang had little experiences not to take part in social gathering because of being concerned about the shape of their bodies. Such an experience was most dominant among those who had a lower level of preference for vegetables and fruit. As a result of investigating whether they got depressed or not since they felt others viewed them as fat, they got a mean of 2.27. The adult women who lived in these regions didn’t feel depressed because they felt others considered them to be fat, and those who had a higher level of preference for bread and rice cake got more depressed because of that. In which part of the body they felt they were fat was analyzed, and the largest group felt they were fat since they had plenty of flesh in their thighs, followed by the abdominal region, the forearm and the buttocks. The greatest group that accounted for 51.5 percent was fond of spice taste. Those who had lymphatic morphology had a more liking for spice taste, and those who had nervous morphology and who had bilious morphology were more fond of sweet taste. In modern society, there is a strong tendency for female adults to prefer a thin body due to westernized culture. They should have a correct understanding of their own somatotype and eat well-balanced meals to maintain normal weight.
Key words:
Obesity, Somatotype, Food Preference, Bilious Morphology, Sanguine Morphology