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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 6(2); 2008 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2008;6(2): 63-74.
女性의 皮膚管理 實態에 따른 顧客滿足 分析
정설경, 오정숙
Customer Satisfaction Analysis According To The Women's Skin Care Realities
Seol-Kyung Jeong, Jung-Sook Oh
This research has done to study plans to create high grade and specialized skin care shops by grasping the reality of customer's utilization of skin care shops and surveying customer satisfaction and the matters of improvement. This survey has done to the women who visit skin care shops in the present time and the ranges of ages are between 20th to 40th, and this survey is about skin type and care, the realities of skin care, skin care shop satisfaction, the matters of improvement of skin care shops. The result of the research is as the following. According to the result of the knowledge about skin, customers are generally satisfied with the skin care that have done for them, and they visit the skin care shops for healthy looking skin and for the improvement of their skin condition. The general skin massage was preferred the most among any age groups. The customers had their face skin care the most, and they have variety of skin care as they are getting older. This shows the increasing interests and cares about their body shape which is changing after their marriage and childbirth, and shows the importance of professional management system and the professional skin therapists by the demand of the established customers. Also, appropriate massages and usage of machinery should be done, and the skin therapists should grasp the ages and skin types through conducting professional consultation with their customers since skin massage is not enough to improve skin condition and satisfaction for aging skin. According to the result of grasping the reality of the skin care shops, the reasonable skin care cost was the most important issue among the elderly people, and the skills of the skin therapists were also one of the main issue. As the level of education gets higher, customers thought that the skills of the skin therapists as well as cost affect their choice of skin care shops. The customer satisfaction was higher when they thought that professional consultation has done for them. It shows that the ability (knowledge, skill) of skin therapists affects the choice of the skin care shop, and customers think that the improvement of skin condition depends on the ability of the skin therapists. Also, high-income customers are more interested in healthy looking skin and continuously invest for their skin care. The younger and high-income customers showed high satisfaction on the effect of products. It is related to the result that the improvement is more visible among the younger people, and the high-income customers spend more money on special care products, which result in the improvement of skin condition. In the research on the satisfaction of the specificity of the skin therapists, the specificity of the skin therapists needs to be improved the most, and massage skill was the next. The role of skin care shops is required to meet various needs from customers and serve as professional shops which have differentiation from other shops in the future, and it is required to train professional skin care therapists who are totally separated from cosmetologists since level of the skills and knowledge of the skin care therapists affect the customer's choice of shops. Through this research, high quality of skin care service needs to be conducted, and education and training of skin therapists who have competent skills and specificity is required.
Key words: skin care realities, skin therapists
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