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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 6(3); 2008 > Article
아르데코 양식을 응용한 헤어스타일 연구 -1920~30년 유럽과 미국의 여성 헤어스타일 중심으로-
유새들, 김주섭
A Study on Hair Styles of Applied Art Deco - focused on female hair styles in Europe and America during 1920~1930's -
Sae-Deul Yoo, Ju-Seub Kim
Art Deco was born in 1925. The name was derived from the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs Industriels et Modernes, held in Paris, which celebrated living in the modern world. Art Deco is essentially a style of decoration which was applied to fashion as well as architecture, general art and hair style. Most share the hallmarks of geometry and simplicity, often combined with vibrant colors and simple shapes that celebrated the rise of commerce and technology. Fundamental characteristics of Art Deco are using of vivid color and stark, geometric shapes which influenced every aspects of life worldwide. Everything was geometric and cubic. Clean shapes and straight lines are emphasized. No practical function are left out to allow for the sleek lines and streamlined geometric shapes. The Art Deco style infused the everyday world with an elegant style of cool sophistication. The role of women changed during World War I. Most women wore very short hair called bob hair style. The bob was created, not so much by a stylist, but by a frenzy of political change. Women worked during WWI to help with the war effort. With this new lifestyle, it became desirable to simplify. They needed simpler, practical short hair. The original style was worn straight and flat on top The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of Art Deco applied to women's hair style and rediscover the value of Art Deco as well as reorganize it in the taste of 21 century.
Key words: Hair, Art Deco, Style, Modern, Bob
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