미용실의 마케팅믹스 전략이 CRM 성과에 미치는 영향 |
한성진, 김성남 |
A Study on the Impact of Marketing Mix on the CRM Performance in the Hair Salons
Sung-Jin Han, Sung-Nam Kim |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating roles of relationship quality satisfaction, trust during the process of the effects of marketing mix on CRM performance in the beauty industry. As for the research method, a research model was designed to include routes form 4P's(service products, price, promotion, place) through endogenous variables to performance variable, and a questionnaire was developed on the basis of the theoretical background. The survey was conducted in December of 2008, and 609 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. For the analysis of the data, this paper used the SPSS version 16.0 and Amos version 16.0 for the frequency analysis, the confirmatory factors analysis, the reliability analysis and the path analysis. All the research hypotheses were adapted. The results of the study suggest that 4P's influences positively on relationship quality, and then relationship quality affected CRM performance. Especially, promotion was found to have the biggest impact on trust. The beauty industry’s dependency on manpower and service is regarded as an important factor, which is why the level of satisfaction has a great influence on service loyalty, and is why a strong relationship between service providers and customers are needed.The research confirmed the correlation among customer’s trust in service providers, favorable attitude, and service loyalty.
Key words:
CRM, Service products, Price, Promotion, Place