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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 7(3); 2009 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(3): 225-238.
아로마테라피에 대한 인식 및 실태 연구 -미용관련학과 여대생 중심으로-
A Study on the Recognition and Actual Conditions of Aromatherapy focusing on female college students in Beauty-Related Dept
Kyung Sun Park
As the result of studying on the understanding of the people about Aromatherapy, it was found that they were partly recognizing that Aroma is effective in mental rest, that Teatree is helpful to pimples and that Aroma is good to an antifungal process. Also, they think that Aroma products are skin-friendly as their attitude about Aromatherapy. They highly thought that Aroma is of good help to healthy skin, and among their Aroma-related activities, learning professionally some Aroma- related skin treatment was the highest one and recommending Aromatherapy to other people was the following one. By the characteristics of the respondents,the analyzed results on the understanding level about Aromatherapy are as below. By the degree of the interest in appearance& appearance care, it statistically showed a significant difference in the understanding level about Aromatherapy. It showed that the understanding level of the respondents who had little interest in their appearance & appearance treatment was low in Aromatherapy, while those who had interest more than average had relatively a high understanding level in Aromatherapy. Besides, it indicated differences according to satisfactory degrees on their appearance. They who were never satisfied with their appearance had low understanding about Aromatherapy; on the other hand, they who were very satisfied with their appearance had the highest understanding about Aromatherapy. In other words, you can see that the higher the interests in appearance& appearance treatment are and the higher people are satisfied with their appearance, the more the understanding level about Aromatherapy is. Also, it showed that, by each skin type, the people of sensitive skin had high understanding about Aromatherapy compared with those of other skin types. It means that the people who think their skinis sensitive have relatively more interest in Aromatherapy and know well about it. By the characteristics of the respondents, the analyzed results on the attitude about Aromatherapy are as follows. Like understanding levels, it showed that for the people with much interest in appearance& appearance treatment, their attitude about Aromatherapy was high compared with others. On the contrary, differently from understanding degrees, it did not statistically show a significant difference in appearance satisfaction& skin types. Next, by the amount of concerns about their skin, it showed a significant difference, and the people with a deep concern about their skin had high attitude on Aromatherapy compared with others. Tha tis, the higher the interest in their appearance& appearance treatment is and the deeper their concerns about their skin are, the more positive the attitude about Aromatherapy is. Lastly, based on the characteristics of the respondents, the followings are the analyzed results on the related activities in regards with Aromatherapy. By the degrees of concerns about their skin, it showed a meaningful difference in Aromatherapy-related activities, and the people with deep concern over their skin were doing more Aromatherapy-related actions compared with those of little concern. It means that when people are much worried about their skin, they were substantially doing more Aromatherapy-related activities. These study results which figured out understanding levels about Aromatherapy, attitude and relevant activities about Aromatherapy should be made good use for revitalization of Aromatherapy, material-ization for effective basic education and beauty program development.
Key words: Aromatherapy, Skin treatment, Attitude, Activities, Knowledge
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