Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(3): 143-151. |
천연비누가 성인여성의 안면피부에 미치는 영향 |
이성희, 황완균 |
A Study on the influence of natural soap on adult female facial skin
Sung-He Lee, Wan-Kyunn Whang |
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of facial cleansing agents which were used everyday by modern women upon their skin, centering on adult women who had only used synthetic facial cleansing agents by comparing before and after their using natural soap as an alternative agent. Study findings are as follows: First, as for the demographic features of study subjects and their use of facial cleansing agents, women in their 20s and 30s are major users of facial cleansing agents and their skin type is mostly a moisture insufficient fatty and dry skin type. And they use synthetic facial cleansing agents in general. Second, as for the results of five-week experiment on the moisture, fat, and elasticity in forehead and cheek, moisture in forehead is highly improved. And elasticity in forehead is gradually enhanced comparing to the time when natural soap is not used and the greatest elasticity in forehead is acquired in four or five weeks. Moisture and fat in cheek are highest in four or five weeks. And elasticity in cheek is gradually improved and also highest in four or five weeks when comparing to the time when natural soap is not applied. Third, after experiment, a questionnaire survey of them was carried out on the comparison of natural soap and synthetic cleansing agents. They respond that natural soap is better in foam generation and cleansing effect than synthetic cleansing agents. As for the reuse intention of natural soap and comprehensive comparison of it with synthetic cleansing agents, most of them feel satisfied with their use of natural soap. As for the improvement of skin, most of them mention the improvement of dryness and tightness as a positive result of using natural soap. This finding is in accord with natural soap's enhancement of fat and moisture amount. Although the extent of improvement of moisture, fat and elasticity is varied by facial regions, the changes of moisture and elasticity start in a week and reach its greatest extent in four weeks. And there is nearly no change between four weeks and five weeks. This result reminds us of its correlation with the keratosis cycle of skin.
Key words:
Natural soap, Facial cleansing, Skin Analyzer, Soap