Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(4): 367-383. |
미용실 종사자의 조직갈등이 조직몰입과 이직의도에 미치는 영향 |
오경헌 |
The Effect of Beauty Salon Staffs' Organizational Conflicton Organizational Commitment and Turn over Intention
Kyeong Heon Oh |
This study was made to manage the organizational conflict of beauty salon staffs more systematically, and understand the effecton their organizational commitment and turn over intention. The questionnaires of total 400 copies were distributed on them working in Seoul are a for 20 days from March 1 to March 20, 2009 to analyze questionnaires of total 340 copies.The results were as follows. First, the effect of organizational conflict on organizational commitment showed that individual and individual-group conflicts have a significant negative effect on the organizational commitment(p<.01). Second, the effect of organizational conflict on turn over intention showed that individual and individual-group conflicts have a significant positive effect on the turn over intention(p<.01). Third, the effect of organizational commitment on turn over intention showed that by independent variable, emotional and normative commitments have a significant negative effect on the turn over intention(p<.01). By above-mentionedr esults, given that their organizational conflict, organizational commitment and turn over intention have a very significant correlationship, their organizational conflict should be minimized, and their organizational commitment should be also improved through motivation, as well as their turn over intention should be reduced.
Key words:
Beauty salon staff, Organizational conflict, Organizational commitment, Turn over intention