Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(2): 263-276. |
난황추출물 식이보조제와 고주파관리의 비만 개선 효과 |
김유정, 최태부 |
The Comparison Study on the Licensure System Yolk extract obesity improvement effect of aids and high frequency management
You-jeong Kim, Tae-boo Choi |
Confirmed the obesity improvement effect of the obesity management laws and the clause obesity effect of the yolk antibody should have originated mainly from what kind of function and action, the obesity adult female group of 65 year-old under 20 or older confirm the high frequency management army, the cadence gentlemen and high frequency management and divided the aids in three groups of bottle march and advanced 4 daytime tests. After in the blood geological features change the before examining, body measuring and BMI, body region rate, abdomen size (at, in and under) observed the body ingredient change of etc. and the clinical people with meal examined a life habit as usual before presence at a sickbed. 1. After examining total-cholesterol(p<0.05) and LDL-cholesterol(p<0.05) considered from the cadence gentlemen and decreased, the high frequency management and decreased total-cholesterol and Triglyceride from the army in parallel the aids. 2. After examining the change of weight and the abdomen circumference considered from the high frequency management(p<0.05) army and bottle march the circumference considered from low in at of weight and the abdomen and decreased. The body region rate considered most from the cadence gentlemen and decreased. BMI does not consider from the army, the high frequency management army not to be and high frequency management and obesity degree considered from aids bottle march and there being could make decrease, they confirmed.
Key words:
Obesity, Yolk, Igy, Aids medical therapy, High frequency management medical therapy, In the blood geological features, Body ingredient and body measuring.