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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(2); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(2): 107-116.
향나무 추출물의 항균, 항상화 및 각질세포 보호 효과
유민정, 이숙영, 조상혁, 박열
Antimicrobial Activity and Antioxidative Effects of Juniperus chinensis and Protective Effects on Human HaCaT Keratinocyte
Min Jeong Ryu, Sook-young Lee, Sang-Hyeok Cho, Yeol Park
This Study was carried out to investigate antimicrobial activity and antioxidative effects of Juniperus chinensis and protective effects on Human HaCaT Keratinocyte. The antimicrobial activity of Juniperus chinensis extracts using a paper disc method of DPPH radical, total polyphenolics and flavonoid contents. Protective effects of Juniperus chinensis on HaCaT keratinocytes against oxidative stree induced by hydrogen peroxide were also measured. In our results antimicrobial activity of Juniperus chinensis extracts was the strongest activity on P.acnes. In addition with Juniperus chinensis did show cytotoxicity on HaCat keratinocyte beneath the concentration elevated in does -dependen. DPPH free radical scavening activities of Juniperus chinensis were elevated in does dependent manner. In addition, the value of half maximal inhibitiory concentration(IC50) was 153.8± 0.49 ㎍/㎖ of total phenolics and 66.4±0.02 ㎍/㎖ of flavonoids. Finally Juniperus chinensis showed protective effect against cell death of HaCaT cell induced by hydrogen peroxide significantly. In conclusion, these results suggest that Juniperus chinensis extracts may have antibioticl, antioxantic action on human scalp, skin and suggest the possibility as cosmetic material.
Key words: Scalp, Skin Pathogens, Antimicrobial, Antioxidative, Human HaCaT Keratinocyte.
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