일부지역 중년여성의 비만관련 행태에 관한 연구 |
오정숙, 이시경 |
A Study on Obesity Related Factor's Action of Some Middle-Aged Women in Kang-Won Area
Jung-Sook Oh, Si-Kyoung Lee |
In this study, we investigated a cause associated with odesity a married of middle- aged women's in Kang-won area from June 1 to August 30, 2008. The results of this study were summarized as follows, 1. The group of normality were 74.6% in BMI<25(㎏/㎡) and the group of obesity were 25.4% in BMI≥25(㎏/㎡). 2. physical activities and exercise habits among the degree of obesity were not statistically different( P>0.05). An action is related with weight control, ‘The subjective health condition’ ‘The reason of weight control’, ‘The wegiht change during 1 year’, 'The weight volume of increase’, ‘ The suitable intake’ were among the degree of obesity were statistically different(P<0.05). 3. The subjective recognition of body associated with living action, BMI were statistically different( P=0.000<0.05). The subjective bodily recognition is associated with 'The occurrence of obesity', 'The intelligence of stress', 'The subjective health condition', ‘The reason of weight control’, ‘The wegiht change during 1 year’, 'The weight volume of increase’were statistically different(P<0.05). 5. ‘Not salty enough intaking’, ‘The suitable intake’, ‘Intaking breakfast’, ‘Intaking Korean food’ of eating and living action among subjective bodily recognition were statistically different(P<0.05).
Key words:
BMI, Obesity, Middle-aged woman, A group of obesity, Eatingvand living action