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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(3); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(3): 135-144.
고주파시술과 운동병행요법이 20대 복부비만에 미치는 영향
정경혜, 리순화
The Effect of Abdomen Obesity in Their Twenties with High Frequency Treatment and exercise walking
kyoung hye Jeong, shun hwa Li
It is purposed to understand the influence of high-frequency treatment on the abdominal obesity program of 20s women and men who suffer obesity and to provide guidelines for the quantitative use of the equipment and for the balanced physical and abdominal obesity management programs. In the change of body composition before and after the management, in the waist girth and hips girth, according to the each experimental group, the HG(high-frequency and applied Gel)group reduced, in the WHR, HH(high-frequency and applied Hot gel) group received, in the weight, BMI, body fat mass and percent bady mass, HW(high-frequency and Walking) group HF diathermy and applied Gel group reduced most. Except in the skeletal fat mass, HG and HH group and HW group reduced meaningfully. Regarding the change of blood lipid concentration before and after the management according to the each experimental group, almost group reduced in order of appearance, as well as in TG, LDLC, TC and incresed in HDLC. Meaningfully in the TG and TC, HW group reduced more and in HDLC, LDLC HH group effected most.
Key words: Abdomen obesity, R.F, High Frequency, Blood lipid, Hot gel
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