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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(3); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(3): 155-164.
수기요법과 기기요법을 이용한 Scalp massage 效果의 比較 硏究
한아름, 조지훈
Hand therapy & Machine therapy applied to compare the effect of scalp massage
Ah-Reume Han, Ji-Hoon Cho
The hand therapy and machine therapy by a scalp massage by a comparative analysis of the effects of the lack of scalp massage by machine therapy were evaluated. The 30 employees of the main one in nine patients to regularly visit the hand therapy with a swedish massage therapy and manual therapy in the way of the machine therapy scalp massage and scalp massage portion was tested using the machine. All measurements were obtained three times the average number of results and standard deviations were compared by visual inspection methods were also used. As a result, machine therapy using a change in the temperature, sebum, moisture and the thickness of hair, hair density, the results showed the significance. However, changes in scalp pH in the scalp that can affect the results appeared. Therefore, the effect of hand therapy showed better results than the machine therapy. machine is being sold so that the proper use of scalp massage can increase the effectiveness and scalp treatment, as well as increase the effects will also be able to play enough.
Key words: Machine therapy, Hand therapy, Scalp massage, Scalp care, Swedish massage
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