화장품 전 성분 표시제에 대한 소비자 인식 연구 |
김명희, 노영희 |
A Study on the Consumers' Recognition on Full Ingredient Labeling System for Cosmetics
Myoung-Hee Kim, Young-Hee No |
This work is to find out the effect of full ingredient labeling system of cosmetics on the cosmetic product selection when the women see if a certain kind that they purchase fits them after choosing a group of women at the age from the 20s to the 50s and analyzing how well they are aware of this system. According to the finding, most of the consumers responded that they did not know well what the full ingredient labeling system of cosmetics is. Though recognized by part of them, it was indicated that they were in the recognizable level only enough to say "There is an overall marking on the cosmetic ingredients," and this belonged to the highest percentile group out of the recognized users. Thus, there is yet to be improved on this system. The indicative part that the consumers pay attention to carefully was the product name and brand with the highest responding rate. The next was the production number and date and then all ingredients used for production of cosmetics. Judging from this fact, it can be inferred that many of the consumers regard most important the product name and its brand and that the full ingredient labeling system does not give much influence on their purchasing behavior for cosmetics. This implies that some should be taken into consideration to think over the effectiveness about the full ingredient labeling system of cosmetics which was adopted as mandatory by the government in 2008.
Key words:
Cosmetics, Ingredient, Labeling System, Recognition, Effect