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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(4); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(4): 761-768.
글리세린, 히알루론산, 실리콘 오일이 피부의 보습 및 경피수분손실량에 미치는 효과
권승빈, 이강태, 최성진, 이나경, 박현우, 이광식, 이건국, 안규중, 안인숙
The Effect of Glycerin, Hyaluronic Acid and Silicone Oil on the Hydration, Moisturization and Transepidermal Water Loss in Human Skin
Seung Bin Kwon, Ghang Tai Lee, Seong Jin Choi, Na Kyeong Lee, Hyun Woo Park, Kwang Sik Lee, Kun Kook Lee, Kyu Joong Ahn, In Sook An
In the cosmetic industry, various moisturizing ingredients have been developed to improve skin dryness getting worse by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. However, there are no well defined studies about the actual hydrating ability and holding time of the moisturizing factors. In this study, we compared and investigated the efficacy of glycerin, hyaluronic acid and silicone oil (dimethicone), which are generally and most widely used as moisturizing ingredients in the cosmetic industry to improve skin hydration and transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Comparing skin moisturizing abilities before application and 30 minutes and 6 hours after application of six creams with or without glycerin, hyaluronic acid and/or silicone oil, the cream including both glycerin and silicone oil showed the highest moisturizing value and the longest holding time of hydration. The second on the result was the cream containing both hyaluronic acid and silicone oil, followed by the glycerin cream, hyaluronic acid cream and silicone oil cream. Comparing TEWL before application and 30 minutes and 6 hours after application of six creams with or without glycerin, hyaluronic acid and/or silicone oil, the cream including both glycerin and silicone oil showed the most decreased value of TEWL and the longest holding time. The second on the result was the cream with both hyaluronic acid and silicone oil, followed by the silicone oil cream, the glycerin cream and the hyaluronic acid cream. Although glycerin, hyaluronic acid and silicone oil affect increasing skin hydration and decreasing TEWL, our data showed that the product containing not only silicone but also moisture factors such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid is more effective rather than applying the product with silicone oil only. As a result, the product containing glycerin with hyaluronic acid and/or silicone oil showed the superior abilities to increase skin hydration and decrease TEWL. Therefore, we suggest that our results aid in the development of various moisturizers as the basic standards and more study should be conducted to investigate the efficacy of various moisturizers on human skin hydration and TEWL.
Key words: Glycerin, Hyaluronic acid, Silicone oil, Hydration, Moisturization, Transepidermal water loss
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