Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(5): 821-826. |
연재 8. 멘토링과 실험실 문화 |
이인재 |
Series 8. Mentoring and Laboratory Culture
In Jae Lee |
The mentoring and culture of laboratory in the area of research ethics are very important in the manner in which they ensure the research integrity that contributes to the desirable conduct of research. Generally speaking, all researchers have had mentors. Mentors who may be advisors play a fundamental role in professional development. And they also play a formative role in the ethical development of students (mentee) in the manner in which professional values and ethical standards are conveyed, both consciously and unconsciously. Whether informally or formally structured, therefore, the goal of mentoring is to teach students and researchers about the scientific method, and to teach them how to conduct research responsibly. On the other hand, the culture of laboratory is also an important area of research ethics that has been highlighted continuously because it plays an important role in ensuring research integrity and good research results. Some values such as caring and mutual respect, trust, responsibility, fairness among members in the laboratory are a useful values to prevent conflicts that can occur in the laboratory. We can establish a desirable laboratory culture when professors as a mentor provide a good role model for students in the whole process of research.
Key words:
Mentor, Mentee, Mentoring, Role model, Laboratory culture, Mutual respect, Trustfulness |