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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(5); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(5): 937-942.
유중수형 에멀젼법에 의해 제조된 키토산 비드의 피지 흡착 특성 평가
최윤경, 하병조
Efficacy Evaluation of Sebum Adsorption on Chitosan Beads Produced by W/O Emulsion Method
Yun Kyoung Choi, Byung-Jo Ha
The influence of structural differences has been analyzed in detail to fulfill the purposes of understanding the adsorption behaviors of chitosan beads. It has an artificial sebum absorption character of chitosan beads according to drying methods. This paper has a focus to identify supported function of chitosan beads through the artificial subum adsorption. In the present study chitosan beads were prepared by simple water-in-oil (W/ O) emulsion. Aqueous chitosan solution and toluene were used as water and oil phases, respectively. Two kinds of chitosan beads obtained from different drying process were investigated in surface area, hardness, surface amine content and morphological structure. And to find the specific surface area and morphology, we performed BET measurement and SEM observation. Chemical analysis have also examined by picric acid titration. Caprylic / capric triglyceride was used as a model artificial sebum, Finally, we have compared the artificial sebum absorption of two kinds of chitosan beads. The result of sebum adsorption showed that the beads dried by lyophilization was 1.98 times higher than those from solvent dehydration. It was noted that the sebum adsorption properties were attributed to the capillary phenomena of sponge structure. Therefore, these chitosan beads can be used to soak up sebum produced by sebaceous oil glands from acne-prone skin.
Key words: Chitosan beads, Drying method, Sebum adsorption, Emulsion
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