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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(5); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(5): 959-968.
성인여드름 피부의 자외선차단제 사용 실태 및 물리적 자외선차단제의 세안 방법에 따른 세정력 비교 연구
정인, 안인숙, 안성관
The Sunscreen Usage Patterns of Adult-onset-acne Skin Type and Comparative Study on Detergency of Mineral Sunscreen According to Cleansing Method
In Jung, In Sook An, Sungkwan An
This paper finds out about usage of sunscreen in adult-onset-acne skin types and through the experiment, we have observed the difference in washing methods depending on the mineral UV protection ingredient which is known to have pore obstructivity and sunscreen with various SPF ratings. An advance online survey was conducted to 1,063 men and women with adult-onset-acne skin and aged over 25 years. This online survey was to investigate research subjects general characteristics, sunscreen usage, facial cleansing habit, and recognition on double facial cleansing. Moreover, the amount of residue of titanium dioxide which is mineral UV protection ingredient showing white color in black bioskin plate of skin model and zinc oxide was measured by spectrophotometer through its brightness value depending on the changes of facial cleanser. According to the sunscreen usage research, among 1,036 research subjects, 855 people (82.5%) answered that they are using sunscreen products and 181 people (17.5%) answered that they do not use sunscreen products. They purchased sunscreen products based on internet research and texture and perceived that they need double facial cleansing because of their worries that UV protection ingredients may remain on skin. In regards to the facial cleanser for double facial cleansing, they preferred the combination of cleansing oil and cleansing foam the most. In the bioskin plate test, for removing mineral sunscreen SPF 15, use of cleansing oil alone and double facial cleansing methods were both appropriate but the sole use of cleansing foam was inappropriate. For removing mineral sunscreen SPF 30 and SPF 50, double facial cleansing was the only appropriate method.
Key words: Sunscreen, Titanium dioxide, Acne, Double cleansing, Cleanser
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