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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(5); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(5): 993-1000.
카올린, 아데노신 및 식물복합추출물이 함유된 안면팩의 피부개선 효과
최성진, 백승우, 최민화, 조아령, 장현희, 오창록, 안규중, 안인숙, 안성관, 오정숙
Effects of the Face Pack Containing Kaolin, Adenosine and Plant Extracts on the Skin Improvement
Seong Jin Choi, Seung-Woo Baeck, Min Hwa Choi, Aryoung Jo, Hyun Hee Jang, Chang-Rok Oh, Kyu Joong Ahn, In Sook An, Sungkwan An, Jung-Sook Oh
The present study was to evaluate the effect of the complex reagents containing kaolin, adenosine and plant extracts for human facial improvements such as pore, sebum and keratin minimization. Twenty-one volunteers were subjected to analyze the effects, and each results was determined by treating the reagents on their faces in three times. The results showed that the number of pores on faces were significantly reduced more than 20.78% by treating the reagent as compared to the number of pores on untreated control faces. Also the amount of serum and keratin in faces were reduced by 74.86 and 3.43%, respectively. In addition, we further demonstrated that the levels of the skin moisture, elasticity, texture and brightness were meaningfully improved after treatment of the reagent by 89.77, 17.91, 13.65 and 1.59% respectively. Moreover, we knew that the reagent had not any statically significant effects on skin soothing and pigmentation. Survey analysis showed that the volunteers had highly satisfaction on the reagents. Collectively, the results indicated that the kaolin and adenosine-based reagents have an improved effect on facial skin, and are able to use to novel cosmetic reagents in the related industry.
Key words: Facial Pack, Kaolin, Adenosine, Plant extracts
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