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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(1); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(1): 69-75.
눈 이미지의 자가인지에 따른 컬러렌즈 착용 효과 연구
김진경, 김이슬, 방효진
Study on the Effect of Color Lens as the Result of Self-perception of Eye Image
Jin Kyeong Kim, E Seul Kim, Hyo-Jin Bang
This study with 192 female college students is to evaluate the effect of wearing color lens along with the selfperception of one’s eye image, and the conclusion is as follows: Female college students recognizes daily eye make-up as an important factor, and 32.8% is confident with their own eye image, while 70.8% of them have double eye-lids. The image elevation effect is raised to reach 82.8% for eye and 76.1% for face when using color lenses. The rising effect of eye and face was more prominent for students with higher confidence in their eyes and face, and possess double eyelids. The higher the eye and face image rising effect is, the higher one feels satisfied with the changed image. Especially the eye image rising effect is strongly proportional to the image change satisfaction. Thus lens wear is an important factor in the image rising effect of female college students’ eye and face, while the image rising effect could be a significant factor of one’s image change satisfaction level.
Key words: Color lens, Eye image confident, Image rising effect, Image change satisfaction
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